ana tejano

Figuring out what it means to be made for love

Book # 2 Update (and then some)

Before we get to the news, some things that happened in the past weeks: 1. #romanceclass lecture with musicians This used to be a romance book discussion that’s transformed into a lecture, to lessen the pressure of having to read the books before the meet-up. I was excited because I like reading about musicians/bands in […]

Before we get to the news, some things that happened in the past weeks:

1. #romanceclass lecture with musicians

This used to be a romance book discussion that’s transformed into a lecture, to lessen the pressure of having to read the books before the meet-up. I was excited because I like reading about musicians/bands in books, and Meah’s book will definitely have some musicians in it. It was a fun afternoon, not without some swooning and feels because that’s what always happens when I’m in a #romanceclass meet-up. Haha.

Here’s a really demure photo I had with Champ of Hale, one of our guests:

2. Godspell Manila

I used to watch a lot of theater years ago, until I realized that it was a very expensive hobby. Haha. So I stopped, unless people invited me to watch. Lately, I’ve been watching more, also thanks to #romanceclass and our very talented actors who give life to our books. Last February, we watched PETA’s 3 Stars and a Sun to support Gio, and now we’re supporting Jef Flores (coming in #romanceclass podcast season 3, I think?) in Godspell. He played…Jesus. We had too many conflicting feelings that Sunday, haha.

Up next is Rak of Aegis, this weekend. My first time to watch. I’m excited. 🙂

And now for some book news! 

(I hope you’re still reading up to here, haha)

Book # 2’s release date has been pushed from end of June to a sometime in July. That’s the last of the extension I’ll put on this, I promise (because originally this should have been out on October 2015, but that didn’t happen because I write so slowly and I revised my outline three times). So yes, it will be out by the second half of July. The exact date depends on some things, but if you want to be the first one to know, sign up for my mailing list because I’ll announce it (+ some other things) there. 🙂

Some things about this book:

  • The title is Keep the Faith, and it’s about a girl named Faith. Heh. If you’ve read Fall Like Rain, this is about one of her friends.
  • Since I’m still in the business of resurrecting my old NaNoWriMo manuscripts, this was from my 2009 novel. It’s quite unlike the original one, though.
  • This is longer than Rain’s book by around 20k words. I didn’t think it would be this long and believe me, I tried to shorten it when I was editing and revising, but that didn’t happen. So a longer book, yes, but I think Faith needed that much time/words to tell her story.
  • Even more food references here. Mostly junk food.
  • I think I may be a little in love with Faith’s lead interest here. Haha.

So yeah, Keep the Faith will be out on July 2016! I really apologize for the delay, and I hope that the (looong) wait is worth it once it’s out. 🙂

Before I go, here’s a dancing Totoro to cheer you up for the rest of the week:

GIF from CL Terry
GIF from CL Terry

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