Fall Like Rain

Ebook: Amazon (Kindle Unlimited)
Print: PH Edition | Book Depository | Amazon

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Rain De Castro has been in love with her best friend, Mark Velasco, for almost the entire time she has known him, but she’s clearly in the friend zone because he’s happily in a relationship. Or so she thought, until the news of his break-up reaches her. Now that Mark’s single again, she decides that it’s time to get out of the zone. But when her cousin Lissa comes into the picture and sets her eyes on Mark, Rain feels troubled when he gets a little too friendly with her. Rain is determined to fight for what she feels this time, but is it worth the effort if it’s a losing battle from the start? Will she back off to give way for her best friend’s happiness, even if it means losing him to someone else again?

  • New edition features Gio Gahol and Rachel Coates on the cover, and includes an excerpt from Keep the Faith

What did readers think about Fall Like Rain:

It was amazing how Ana Tejano was able to weave a story that does not only deal with the romance, but also provided ample depth into the main character’s personality and her relationships with her friends and family, despite the obvious limitations in length required by a novella…This is such a good story every girl can easily relate to and can get enough life and love lessons to learn from.

Lynai of It’s a Wonderful Bookworld

It was a slow, painstaking burn. So many times I wanted to conk Rain in the head, and Mark too. Their fears and hesitations were the very reasons they kept on hurting each other, and Tejano was able to show this vividly. An easy, kilig read

Jay E. Tria, author of Songs of Our Breakup 

A seriously sweet read that had me going “aww” a few times!

Liana of Will Read for Feels

Published: September 29, 2014
Genre: Contemporary Romance, New Adult
Cover design: Aia Arkoncel (1st edition) | Miles Tan (2nd edition)

Ebook: Amazon (Kindle Unlimited)
Print: PH Edition | Book Depository | Amazon
