Keep the Faith

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When Faith’s five-year relationship ends right before she leaves for a typhoon-stricken town in Iloilo, she chooses not to make a big deal out of it. She’s not a stranger to heartbreak after all – she deals with it everyday with her disaster relief work. How can she be broken up about her lost love life when she’s surrounded by people who literally lost everything?

All she wants now is for her life to go back to normal. Never mind her unanswered questions about the breakup, or that (not so) tiny ache in her heart whenever she sees her ex. She’s okay now and maybe she’s even starting to like Nico Tamayo, the attractive new guy at work.

With new possibilities in the horizon, Faith thinks she is well on her way to moving on. But when her past comes calling back to her, will all the good things in her present be enough to keep her on the path? Or will she finally learn that there’s more to heartbreak and recovery than what she knows?

* New edition features Gio Gahol and Gabriela Pangilinan on the cover, and Five Minutes Till Midnighta short Christmas story set in the Keep the Faith universe

Published: July 31, 2016
Genre: Contemporary Romance, New Adult
Cover design: Miles Tan

Ebook: Amazon | Smashwords | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo
Print: PH Edition | Amazon


Adaptation rights for Keep the Faith represented by Mina V. Esguerra (RomanceClass Books) and Anna Liza Recto-Ruth (Bold MP). Send inquiries to or