
It’s April and we feel Things (Year 2)

It’s been exactly one month since #AprilFeelsDay2017 happened, and how do we recap the feels? Oh, I don’t know. I am pretty coherent now after all the flood of feelings that didn’t end on April 30, so let’s try.

But first, a video by Chi Yu Rodriguez!

I did a bit more work behind the scenes in this one, since Mina was on a trip early April. I ended up doing logistics for the event again, which was kind of funny. I always said I wasn’t a logistics person when it comes to events because how to deal with ingress and egress and all the equipment and layout and stuff? But to be honest, it was fun, and Filipino ReaderCon 2015 prepared me for this. The one for #AprilFeelsDay2017 was pretty easy. 😉

Let me bombard you with photos from the event  at this point, because I think the entire morning of April 30 kind of left me in a daze from all the preps. (More when you go through the #AprilFeelsDay2017 Instagram tag!)


But other than talking to Ayala and doing the ocular visit, the other mission that Tara and I had was to get a new live reader. 😉 After some text messages and asking a mutual friend if he can somehow help with the reminder, we accomplished our mission. We honestly didn’t know what to expect after that, but well, I’m sure everyone who was there can remember how we were all blown away?

Live readers + authors (photo from Jera)

This was the second time something I wrote was read life, and yes, I was a giggly mess during/after the live reading. I said it before on Instagram, and I’ll say it again: Fred and Vanya were awesome. ♥ I had a completely different peg for my characters but after this, they took over. Especially since Ruth and Ian are two of my favorite characters, and there’s a lot about Ruth that I can relate with. 😉 I also consider myself lucky to be edited~ haha.

Watch the entire cuteness here:

No, Ian, I don’t mind using the word monthsary. 

Now I am fully accountable to everyone to get to Ruth and Ian’s book ASAP – and I will get to that soon, friends! Meah’s still in progress. 😉

Other notable firsts for this event: our first M/M and F/F live readings! Gio and Fred read from Another Word for Happy by Agay Llanera, while Rachel and Sam read from Don’t Tell My Mother by Brij Bautista. Which reminds me – I have a video of the latter, and I promise to upload it soon.

I was dead tired that night after I got home from dinner, and yet I was still powered by kilig. I had a conference call with our CEO the next day and I feel like I still made heart-eyes through out the video call, hahaha. And you’d think we’d be able to recover sooner, but no, because two weeks later we had a photo shoot for covers, which Tara recapped here.

One big thing that I realized that day was when my new friend Pinky dropped by. I met her a few weeks ago from a Better Story Project event, and she was a huge romance fan but haven’t heard of #romanceclass. So I invited her, and I’m happy to see that she was happy to discover us!

This made me realize that there are still people out there that we haven’t reached – and this means the work isn’t finished, and there’s more books to be written and published and talked about. It’s hard work, but fun work, so let’s just keep going. 🙂

When’s the next event? Why I’m glad you asked! Here:

#FeelsSoHot: #romanceclass Steamy Live Reading – June 29, 8-11pm, Commune Makati. 18+ years old only. Php850, inclusive of drink and some snacks. We have 10 slots left – register here!

Two things I plan to do at the next event(s): have more pictures taken with people, and have my books signed by the live readers (because it’s becoming a thing). I just need to figure out how to stay coherent after the live readings are done. 😉

Happy #AprilFeelsDay2017 monthsary, everyone! Thank you, #romanceclass, for being a happy place. ♥

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